Friday, August 18, 2006

Welcome to my new Real Estate Investor Blog!

Well, I finally took the time to setup my new blog for real estate investing news and information.  Some of my customers, friends and other investors are always asking me what methods I am using to find deals, what techniques am I focusing on, and what tools am I using in my investing business, so…

I decided to create a blog so I can dump all this information for anyone who is interested in it.  I plan to make this a place where I can informally compile my thoughts, some of my investing strategies (new and old), and other nuggets of information that I pick up along the way that others can benefit from.

So what I am hoping to do with this blog is… each week, or as often as I can, I will post...

News and updates to what is happening in the real estate market that would have an effect on us as investors

Marketing strategies I discover that are generating great results for myself and other investors. As the developer of RealProspect, I meet many successful real estate investors that are using my software RealProspect to manage their prospecting processes.  Well, this allows me to learn many different techniques and strategies that are working for investors all over the country that I will share here on a regular basis.

My personal thoughts on what’s going on in the real estate investing industry, reviews on new course material an books that I have read, technical reviews and recommendations on software programs that I find, and great web resources that I find.

So again, I would like to welcome you to my new blog that I have titled “The Technical Real Estate Investor”.  Please check back from time to time and see what great software, tools, services, resources, news, tips and comments I have posted about real estate investing for creative real estate investors.



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